Cleat Exchange Program Info

We All Know .... Kid's Feet Grow!
Don't let your child's cleats go to waste after one season of use.
Please consider donating your gently used athletic cleats to another child within Westside United Soccer Club.
If your child is in need of a soccer cleats, please feel free to take what you need (only one pair of cleats per child please).
The Cleat exchange will be located at the Westside United SC Tent and will be available during Saturday game times at Ventana Ranch Park.
Some important Notes about the program:
- Please clean cleats and/or equipment prior to drop-off.
- If cleats have damaged portions including holes, worn down nubs or broken soles, please do not bring them, as it's rare anyone would accept them.
- Please tie laces together.
- This is a free program; however please only one pair per child.
- You are not required to donate to receive a free pair of cleats or other equipment.
- All equipment will be on a first come, first serve basis. We will not reserve cleats, and we cannot guarantee specific sizes will be available.
Contact Alex Fisher
alex.fisher@westsideunitedsc.com or call 505-235-0385